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- Create Date December 1, 2023
- Last Updated December 1, 2023
GMRS Net Script (simple)
GMRS Net Script
The very basic sample script below can be used to open and close a GMRS net. A standard script ensures the net will be run in a similar format each time it operates, regardless of who is acting as Net Control Station.
[Key up]
"CQ CQ CQ, All GMRS radio operators. Please standby for the(your location) Practice net on (your frequency), in the [ your location] region."
[Un-key and wait for a few seconds to be sure no one was involved in a conversation]
[Key up]
"This is [your name and call sign], I will be your net control station for the(your location) GMRS net on (your frequency), (simplex or duplex, repeater info)."
"This is a directed emergency practice net for stations in the (your location)."Any stations with emergency traffic only, please call now and state your call sign, name and location and "emergency."
[Wait 10 seconds] Adress emergency traffic as appropriate.
Any stations with priority traffic only, please call now and state "your call sign, name, location and your priority".
[Wait 10 seconds] Address priority traffic as appropriate.
Any stations with announcements, wants or needs, please call now and state "your call sign".
[Wait 10 seconds] Address announcements traffic as appropriate.
All other stations with or without traffic, please stand by for roll call. Any stations not on our roll call list will have an opportunity to check in after regular members have checked in.
Begin Roll Call.
After Roll Call has been completed ask for:
Any late, missed, or new visitors please call now.Address traffic as appropriate.
CLOSING: I would like to thank all stations that checked in. This is [__________], I will be closing the(location) Practice net on (frequency) in the [ your location] GMRS net." This is (your call sign). I am now returning this frequency to regular radio use at [date and time].