Why get permission first before using GMRS repeaters?

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Ron WRYV681
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Why get permission first before using GMRS repeaters?

Post by Ron WRYV681 »

By Chris Passeau
Some one asked me the other day why they needed to ask for permission first before they used our GMRS repeaters. The repeaters are privately owned. So, the reason is if the FCC contacts Marc or me and asks why there are unlicensed users on our repeaters, we can report back to the FCC that we have a plan in place to attempt to control unlicensed users on our repeaters. When Marc and I first receive a request to use our repeaters, we will first verify the users license status. I have had several requests and found that the persons license status was expired, so I requested that they first update their GMRS license. I do keep a log of our users in case the FCC ever asks.
Please note: the repeaters are purchased, installed and maintained by volunteers that donate their time and finances. The repeater system operators are also accountable to the FCC and liable for any infractions or illegal activities related to the use of the repeaters. Before using the repeater system you must receive permission.

You can get permission two different ways: 
  1. See the My GMRS website, click on Tuolumne County GMRS and request permission from the blue box at the top right of this page.  
  2. Go to the Tuolumne County GMRS Facebook page and request permission to join this group where you will find the repeater details. If you don't see them just ask and someone will post them for you..

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