Dual Band 2m/70cm Antenna jpole

Rubber Duckies?
The proper antenna can extend your transmitting and receiving range.
A magnetic car topper will give you a substantial increase in distance.
Keep your antennas up! Not sideways...
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Dual Band 2m/70cm Antenna jpole

Post by OSCAR-03 »

I have one of these for when I have trouble getting out with my Baofeng UV-5R ham radio. I believe it works well with most GMRS radios also. Please advise if any one else has additional information when using it with GMRS. Link to E-Bay seller (could not find the original seller in the US): https://www.ebay.com/itm/266370116576?c ... ntid=51291

Dual Band 2m/70cm(USA) Antenna jpole VHF/UHF roll Slim Jim J-Pole, SMA FEMALE

142mhz-149mhz has SWR not more than 2.0; 146mhz - SWR 1.44
in this antenna I made the frequency for the 70cm range especially for radio amateurs from the USA
435mhz-465mhz has SWR not more than 2.0; 445mhz - SWR 1.35
NEW Home-made.
Made from Twin-lead cable 300 ohm
Ferrite choke installed on coaxial cable RG-174 (50 ohm)
Antenna length approx 1.5m
Feedline length 4m.
Will handle 60 watts.
6db of gain.
total weight 150g.

Items is new in good Working Condition!
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