October 17@9:30 am–12:00 pmPDT
Ham Radio Operators will be assigned to key County locations like Resiliency Centers, Airports, Fairgrounds, Hospitals, etc to check in to prove county wide VHF communications between key operational buildings.
We will need 10 to 14 (possibly more) hams to take assignments to drive to a specific building parking lot and check in to a special NET Thursday morning.
What will you do?
- Drive a few miles to assigned location.
- Use hand held or mobile radio
- Listen to NET and wait for your turn.
- Check in when called and ready from provided script.
- Finish listening to the Net and wait to be dismissed.
- Go Home, the whole thing might last 60 minutes or so.
GMRS Net Control Operators are needed. If you are able to run a special net and report in to the TCARES NC your help will be a great addition to this emergency drill.
If you can help please email: info@tcares.net